
09 Nov 2016

November is my first full month in the Roberts lab, so I figure I should set some goals for myself!

  1. Assemble the Oly genome: Hummingbird is currently churning away on the trimming and QC for the short insert reads. Once that is done I’ll start assembly and scaffolding. I’m unsure how long this will take, but am assuming it will be a while.

  2. Win the battle with Docker over installing R package: Docker seems like the best long term option for reproducibilty of analyses, but it has a really steep learning curve. Currently I’m trying to get Docker to properly load some R packages that are required for Jupyter notebook integration.

  3. Fix Roadrunner/ convert slave nodes from the X-Serve over to OSX. This should be straight forward, just need to get some hard drives (Hopefully tomorrow!)

  4. Hyak: Waiting for node creation/permissions from the Hyak people, but am looking forward to this.

  5. Make this blog prettier: Right now it’s a very bare bones blog. I need to teach myself about CSS and Jekyll to figure out how to make it more visually appealing.